Hello there! I’m Clarie; nice to meet you!

I am a graphic designer, product photographer, and digital artist. I also enjoy writing and telling stories through my work. I am passionate about new and exciting creative ventures and exciting projects. 

Here, I desired a place where I could share topics about subjects I am into. Plus, giving updates on any new projects or sharing ideas that may come up.

Also, in this space, I’d like to share things I have learned on my journey as a creative person: art, design, self-doubt, creative ambitions or struggles, social media, perfectionism, fear, avoiding distractions, and more! I want to build a safe community where we can have these types of discussions and hopefully can bring different perspectives here as well.

What you will receive:

  • Weekly or Monthly Newsletters

  • Art Blogs

  • Update Notifications

  • Sharing thoughts about creative or everyday life

I hope my newsletters are something that you’d like to read! Thank you for stopping by!

Subscribe to An Artist's Thoughts

Welcome to the page! On my blog, you will see updates, art blogs, newsletters, and more!


Hello there! I'm Clarie, and welcome to my page! You'll receive news and updates about my portfolio, store, and general updates when subscribed to my SubStack.